VIDEO: Sheep to Shelf

A man tossing a wool fleece.



Duckworth is the only source-verified Merino apparel company in the United States. Everything we do we use our model from Sheep to Shelf. All the wool comes from the ranch here and stays within the United States. Pretty short supply chain going from here in Dillon, Montana down to the Carolinas and then making a quick trip back, then gets distributed from here. 

Wool is just an amazing fiber. Those coarser wool sweaters that your grandma had, and you know that grandpa wore, we don't have that anymore in our wool. We select everything for super high comfort. It's so soft that people can't believe it's wool.

We try to make an assortment of clothing not really specifically made to match a business model but it's made to match our wool production. We use all the different types of wool that a sheep produces itself. Some wool is great for socks, and other wool is great for high-performance base layer. And I think that's really important carrying our model forward. We make everything from tops and bottoms for wearing next to skin, socks, fleece, mid layers and even wool insulated puffy jackets.

Most products produced in ranches are commodities. They go into mass markets, maybe export it, maybe not, you don't really know. What's so great about Duckworth is you can see exactly the end product that came from your work. It's very rewarding to see that.