April 12, 2023 1 min read
I don’t know what I’m gonna say yet but I’m just gonna say something. I am not rich financially. But that’s okay, because I feel like I am rich in so many other ways.
You know spring, summer and fall I slip on the hiking boots, I strap on the backpack and I go to places like this.
In town, at home, there are so many distractions. At the end of 40 hours I’m ready to hit the trail. And when I get back from a trip, I’m ready to go back to the job because I feel like I’ve accomplished something, I’ve experienced something.
Having that balance, it’s the way that I’ve chosen to live my life and it works for me.
This is the turn off, right here.
I think we should take advantage and just day hike and maybe bring the fishing rods and see if we couldn't catch a couple of fish for dinner.
That one's a little bigger.
Ken, you couldn't get a better person. I mean he's serious about it, he's not messing around when he's going out. That's what I love about him.
I have always gravitated towards places like this. I feel rich in the experiences that I've had back here. I think that we should all be stewards of the land and we all need to be responsible to see these places preserved.